7 Ways to Manage Anxiety During Times of Uncertainty

Feeling anxious can be overwhelming at any point in your life, but it can be especially difficult to manage anxiety during times of uncertainty.

Whether you are starting a new job, moving to a different city, or just going through a period of change, a lack of comfort and certainty can cause anxiety.

If you are feeling anxious or stressed right now, it’s okay. You are taking a great first step by reading this post, so take a deep breath and keep reading!

This post is going to outline 7 ways to manage anxiety during times of uncertainty or change.

Stressed out by uncertainty and crazy times right now? Repin and read this post from Self Care Seeker to learn about how to manage anxiety during times of uncertainty. Learn natural ways to manage anxiety in this post! #reduceanxiety #anxietymanagement

1. Take care of your mind

The first step in managing anxiety during times of uncertainty is one of the most important – taking care of your mind. Do what you can to improve your mental health and find inner peace the best you can.

Ways to do this include journaling, meditation, yoga, and setting aside a few minutes each day to just sit back and relax. Choose one or two of these activities to include in your daily routine and try to do them consistently for the best results.

For more information on different ways to journal for your mental health, click here to read my post on 7 different ways to journal.

Click here to read my post about meditation for beginners.

2. Take care of your body

In addition to taking care of your mind, taking care of your physical health is a key part in managing anxiety, especially during times of change.

Find a form of exercise you love, even if it’s just taking a stroll around the block each day. Another way to take care of your body is to find a skin care routine that works for you and nourishes your skin.

Additionally, a major factor in taking care of your physical health is your diet. In times of change and stress, you may be tempted to either binge on your cravings or you may find yourself skipping meals.

Both tendencies are common, but it’s important to try and find a balance.

If you have a particularly hard day, by all means eat that cake, pizza, fries, or whatever you’re really craving and don’t beat yourself up about it. But try to limit those days and balance it with nutritious foods that will provide your body with the vitamins, nutrients, and energy it needs to function.

On the other hand, if you have a tendency to eat less when you feel anxious, try to at least eat something rather than skipping meals all together. The feeling of hunger can actually increase your body’s perception of your anxiety symptoms, making yourself feel more anxious.

3. Establish a routine

If you are experiencing anxiety amidst times of uncertainty, a good way to mitigate that anxiety is to still establish some kind of a routine.

Having a routine provides comfort in the familiarity and predictability, which can help offset some of the anxiety that comes from uncertain areas of your life.

If your daily schedule changes a lot, that’s okay, you can still establish some form of a routine each day.

For example, listening to the same podcast while you get ready, making your bed once you wake up, doing the same skin care routine before sleeping, etc. are all things that you can incorporate into your day.

For more information on daily routines and habits, read more here:

4. Get enough sleep

Another important way to manage stress during times of uncertainty is to make sure you’re getting enough sleep.

Set a realistic bed time for yourself that will allow you to have plenty of time to get a good night’s rest in. If you tend to have trouble falling asleep, set your bedtime 9 or 10 hours before you have to wake up so you can aim to still get 7-8 hours of sleep.

If you toss and turn a lot, consider altering your night routine to establish healthy sleep patterns. For example, consider unplugging at least 30 minutes before bed and reading instead.

For more information on establishing a healthy self care night routine, read more here.

5. Talk to someone

If you are feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, talking to someone can really help. I encourage you to talk to a friend or family member you trust, or finding a therapist online or in your area.

Whether you are seeking advice and solutions or just someone to listen and vent to, talking to someone can help you manage the anxiety you are feeling.

In person not your thing? Sanity and Self is an awesome self care app for women that I really recommend. While the app has several features, one of the key features is access to counselors who you can chat or video call 1:1.

For more information on Sanity and Self click here.

6. Try to find excitement or gratitude in the unknown

I know, this one may feel like a long shot if you are experiencing anxiety due to uncertainty, but give it a try. The unknown can be really really scary…but it can also be a little exciting.

Try to list three things you are excited about in whatever the unknown holds. In the job search? Maybe you’re excited to make friends with new coworkers. Moving to a new city? Maybe finding a new, local coffee shop sounds exciting.

If you are struggling to think of anything exciting, that’s okay, too. Instead, think about three things you are grateful for.

Maybe it’s your friends and family who are there to support you, your super cute dog, or your health…whatever it is, try to focus on those aspects of your life instead of the other worries you have.

7. Understand what you can and cannot control

There are going to be many things in life that are just out of our control, and that’s okay. While these things may cause anxiety because they are out of our control, try to accept that it’s out of your hands.

On the flip side, think about the many things that are in your control. Each of the steps above are in your control and have actionable ways you can work towards them.

Those are the seven ways to manage anxiety during times of uncertainty.

Remember, you just did something really great for yourself by reading this post. Things will get better, and Self Care Seeker is here for you!

As with anything, improvement takes time so be patient and forgiving with yourself as you work towards managing your anxiety.

Comment below with your favorite stress-busting habit.

For more information on managing anxiety and stress, read more here:

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