35 Powerful Gratitude Affirmations to Boost Your Appreciation for Life

You know what they say, saying is believing…er, wait maybe I have that wrong. Either way, daily affirmations have shown to be effective in many scientific studies, like this one. Learn about daily affirmations and how to use powerful gratitude affirmations to boost your appreciation for life.

New to self-affirmation? That’s okay! I will break down everything you need to know about daily affirmations and adding affirmations into your daily self care routine.

From increasing confidence to reaching your goals, reciting affirmations is a powerful tool in your self care arsenal.

What are self-affirmations?

Simply put, daily affirmations are just positive sentences you say to yourself. And the best part is that they are really easy to incorporate into your daily life.

Essentially, choose a phrase from this list that resonates with you, or create your own. Then take a few deep breaths and repeat this phrase to yourself 3-5 times daily.

It helps to stand in front of the mirror while you say your chosen phrase and look yourself in the eye as you repeat it. You’ll probably feel awkward or silly at first, but once you do this for a few days it will feel more natural.

You can also write out your chosen affirmation in your journal or on a sticky note to put somewhere you will see it often, like your bathroom mirror.

How do you know which affirmation to choose?

This list of affirmations is going to give you 35 choices to embrace the power of gratitude in your life – but how do you know which one to choose?

There really is no right or wrong answer here, so go with your gut. If something resonates with you, go for it.

I recommend thinking about what your personal goals are and where you could use a little bit of self improvement or extra self love. Use those goals and self reflection as a guide to choose the right affirmation for you.

If you’re ready to get started, let’s go over the 35 powerful gratitude affirmations to boost your appreciation for life.

Looking to boost self love and increase self esteem? Repin and read this post for 35 daily affirmations that will help you increase self love. #dailyaffirmations #selfloveaffirmations

Affirmations to increase respect for your body

Struggling with body confidence is a common issue for many women. Between social media and unrealistic beauty standards, it can feel like there is pressure to look a certain way. I say to heck with those ideas! Use these powerful gratitude affirmations to embrace your body as it is now – because you are beautiful.

1. I am a beautiful woman

2. My body gives me strength and grows stronger every day

3. I am confident in my skin

4. My body is well-nourished and I am grateful for it

5. I embrace my body completely as it is

Affirmations to improve self love of your mind

Who runs the world? Girls! You are smart and capable of achieving anything you put your mind to. Use these affirmations to feel grateful for that amazing mind of yours.

6. There is nothing that I cannot mentally overcome

7. I am worthy of getting what I want and achieving my goals

8. I am smart and capable of achieving my dreams

9. I can do anything I set my mind to

10. I choose to be mentally strong and block out the haters who get in my way

Affirmations to increase gratitude for past mistakes learning moments

Find yourself haunted by past mistakes or embarrassing moments? We all have those moments we wish we could take back. What’s truly important is learning from your failures and moving forward with a better future.

11. Anxiety about the past may feel uncomfortable, but I am in charge of my mind and body

12. I am the captain of my own destiny

13. With this breath, I choose to release the past and embrace the future

14. Whatever I am going through is temporary, and this too shall pass

15. My mistakes are merely lessons learned for the future

Affirmations to increase appreciation during times of change

Times of change can be scary and anxiety inducing. During those times, it can feel easy to complain or look for everything that’s wrong. But it can be better for your mindset to embrace these times of change and entering them with confidence in yourself.

16. I am secure and safe being who I am

17. While my environment may be changing, my values and inner-self remain unchanged

18. I am exactly where I am meant to be right now

19. I want to experience it all

20. In this time of change, I am supported and loved

Affirmations to increase recognition for your success

You deserve to celebrate your success! Being humble is an amazing quality in anyone, but when you are alone in front of the mirror it’s okay to give yourself that pat on the back.

21. I am worthy of achieving my goals and am grateful for all of my opportunities

22. I will find success in everything that I set out to accomplish

23. I have achieved many amazing things and I deserve to celebrate that

24. I can handle anything that life throws my way

25. I have the power to walk my own path and follow my dreams

Affirmations to increase acknowledgement of the simple aspects of life

Find yourself getting caught up in big goals and plans? That’s great, but as you move through life I also encourage you to embrace gratitude for the simple aspects of life, too. Smell the roses!

26. Every day is a new beginning

27. Today, I abandon negative habits and embrace positive ones

28. As I inhale I embrace positive thoughts and as I exhale I release the negative ones

29. Today is going to be a good day

30. I trust life to take me where I need to be

Affirmations to improve gratitude for yourself

As simple as it sounds, feeling grateful just for yourself is a big deal. Use the affirmations to get a little bit of self love in your life.

31. I have everything that I need within myself

32. I let go of negative self-talk

33. I am not my mistakes

34. I grow and learn every single day

35. I love myself unconditionally

Those are the 35 powerful gratitude affirmations to boost your appreciation for life.

Choose one that really resonated with you and embrace it as your new daily mantra.

Want to create your own? Go for it! I encourage you to personalize these affirmations as much as you can to internalize it’s message and use that to build confidence and gratitude in life.

Comment below with your favorite powerful gratitude affirmation.

For more posts on self-love and gratitude, read more here:

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