33 Relaxing Self Care Ideas for When You Feel Too Tired to Care for Yourself
Do you find yourself reading about self care and getting inspired, but then when it comes to actually doing those self care activities, you’re too tired to care and worn out to do them? I get it. This post is going to help you understand what to do when you’re tired but want to practice self care.
As you go through your busy life, jumping from one thing on your calendar to another, it can leave you feeling pretty exhausted at the end of the day.
So while self care sound great, you may be struggling with actually engaging in those self care activities when you’re tired at the end of the day.
This post is going to help you learn how to practice self care when you feel too tired to care for yourself.

First, let’s talk about the benefits of self care.
Self care has numerous benefits for both your physical, mental, and emotional health.
These benefits vary based on the type of self care you participate in, but may include:
- Reduced stress and anxiety
- Improved mood
- Increased productivity
- Boost your immune system
- Relieve pain or discomfort
- Increased self love and self awareness
But there are also so many other potential benefits to self care. Like I said, it really depends on the type of self care you choose.
Overall, self care is critical to reducing stress and anxiety, boosting self love and confidence, and improving your physical health and well-being.
So while finding the energy for self care can feel impossible, there are many benefits to personal care activities. And let’s be honest – if you feel tired and exhausted, you probably need some self care the most right now.
Next, let’s talk about how to set yourself up for success when practicing self care when you feel too tired to care for yourself.
1. What to do when you’re tired: Find self care that doesn’t take a long time
Finding self care activities that you can do in only a few minutes is ideal when you feel too tired to care for yourself. It will help you practice self care even when you’re exhausted. If your self care goals can fit into a few minutes of your day, it will feel less daunting to complete those activities after a long day.
For self care ideas you can do in 10 minutes or less, read more here.
2. What to do when you’re tired: Change up your schedule
If you find yourself consistently feeling too tired to practice self care after a long day of work, opt to complete your self care activities in the morning instead.
Shaking up your schedule can reinvigorate your energy into your self care efforts and make it easier to incorporate self care into your daily routine.
Things like meditation, journaling, or exercising are all great ideas to incorporate into a morning routine.
For a full self care morning routine, read more here.
3. What to do when you’re tired: Find self care ideas you can do at home
Common self care activities that may come to your mind when first thinking about self care might include things like hair appointments, massages, etc. However, these activities can feel really time consuming and take a lot of energy to drive somewhere.
It can feeling daunting and draining to have to travel somewhere else in order to experience self care.
To combat this, find effective self care ideas that you can do at home instead when you feel too tired to care for yourself. It will feel a lot easier to practice self care at home and is a great option for what to do when you’re tired.
For self care ideas you can do at home, read more here.
4. What to do when you’re tired: Choose self care activities that are relaxing and restful
When you’re really tired, the last form of self care you will want to engage in is something that requires even more of your energy that you just don’t have, like joining a fitness class.
Instead, opt for self care activities that will provide you rest and relaxation, like taking a bubble bath or laying down on the couch.
5. What to do when you’re tired: Ask for help
Another way to set yourself up for success when you feel too tired to care for yourself is to lean on the other people in your life and ask them for help.
For example, if you want to treat yourself to a healthy meal, but don’t have the energy to cook something from scratch on your own, ask someone to cook with you and help.
Supportive friends, family members, and significant others will be happy to help and understand.
6. What to do when you’re tired: Establish routines and habits
By building self care into your daily routine and establishing healthy habits, you’ll start doing self care even without thinking about it.
So when you’re tired, you’ll still likely go through the motions of your routine out of habit and still do your self care activities.
And not only that – you will also be proactively practicing self care on a daily basis so you might be able to prevent some of the exhaustion and overwhelm you feel sometimes.
Next, let’s get into some self care activities for when you feel too tired to care for yourself.
1. Take a nap with no alarm
Sometimes when you’re tired the best thing you can do for yourself is actually getting some sleep. Take a nap with no alarm if possible. If you do have other obligations and need to wake up at a specific time, at least try to choose a gentle alarm that won’t jolt you awake.
2. Go to bed early
Again, if you’re feeling exhausted you could really benefit from some extra sleep. A great form of self care when you’re tired is going to bed early and catching some extra z’s.
3. Take a bath
Taking a bath is really relaxing and allows you to just sit back and enjoy. Use some relaxing bath salts or a bath bomb with a soothing scent to enhance your relaxation.
4. Lay on the couch
If you’re feeling tired, a great form of self care is to just lay down on the couch and relax. Don’t wear yourself out further with an intensive activity, instead give your body a much needed break.
5. Do a face mask
Doing a face mask is relaxing and a great way to treat your skin with little effort. Just throw the mask on, set a timer for however long the bottle says, and sit back while you wait. Simple and easy!
6. Take something off of your to-do list
A good way to practice self care when you’re tired is by actually taking something off of your to-do list instead of adding something to it. Is there something you really don’t need to do? Remove it.
7. Say no to something
Another great way to treat yourself when you feel exhausted or overwhelmed is by saying no to something. Bow out of a social event or that extra project at work because you need the rest. Anyone supportive in your life will understand!
8. Watch your favorite TV show
A relaxing way to treat yourself without spending a lot of energy is to watch your favorite TV show. Feel nostalgic and relaxed with your favorite comfort TV. My go-to’s when I’m tired include Friends, The Office, Gilmore Girls, Parenthood, etc.
9. Listen to music
Listening to music is a low energy activity that is great for when you want to practice self care but feel too tired. Choose songs that help you feel happy or relaxed. For extra relaxation, put on some noise cancelling headphones and block out any other distractions that will spend your energy.
10. Light some candles
Candles are a helpful tool to relax and create a restful vibe to your living space. Choose scents like lavender or vanilla that are especially relaxing. Then just sit back and relax – but be careful you don’t fall asleep while they are still lit!
11. Watch funny YouTube videos
Sometimes when you’re feeling exhausted the best way to overcome that feeling is through laughter! It is the best medicine after all, right? Find some videos on YouTube that make you smile.
12. Cuddle a pet
Relax by cuddling a pet and feeling the soothing effects of being around animals. Don’t have a pet? Visit a friend who has one or check out your local animal shelter!
13. Take a mental health day
A great form of self care when you’re tired is to take a mental health day. Give your mind a rest and the ability to let yourself decompress through taking a day for yourself if you can.
14. Hydrate
Symptoms of dehydration include feeling weak or tired, so not being properly hydrated can only exacerbate your feeling of being tired. It’s also easy to forget about drinking water throughout the day if you typically have a busy schedule. Do your health a favor and make hydration a priority!
15. Have a cup of tea
Drinking a cup of herbal tea can be really relaxing and soothing. Sit back and relax with a warm cup of tea in your hand.
16. Treat yourself to some healthy take out
Feeling low on energy? You probably don’t feel like cooking a healthy dinner. Rather than opting for something easy that won’t be as delicious or something unhealthy, find some healthy take out that will save you the energy of cooking the meal yourself.
17. Give yourself a rest day from your exercise routine
Do you have a vigorous exercise routine you stick to every day? That’s awesome! But if you’re feeling exhausted, a great form of self care can be to give yourself a break from exercise for a day. Let you muscles recover and start again tomorrow.
18. Relax at the beach or by the pool
Enjoying some sunshine and getting some vitamin D will help you when you’re feeling exhausted. Take it easy and just read a book or lie back with and enjoy the sun rays.
19. Go cloud gazing or star gazing
There’s something really calming about just watching the clouds go by or through stargazing. It won’t expend much of your energy and you’ll likely find it really soothing.
20. Sit outside
Being outside in general is a great way to help you feel better when tired. Fresh air can help reduce stress and anxiety, calming your mind.
21. Try aromatherapy with an oil diffuser
Another effective self care activity when you’re tired is using an oil diffuser for some aromatherapy. Pick a calming scent like lavender.
22. Listen to calming sounds
If you’re feeling exhausted, you could benefit from listening to some calming sounds, like the sound of rain or the ocean.
23. Take some deep breaths
Self care that only takes a few minutes and little energy? Taking some deep breaths will help calm your mind and won’t make you feel even more tired.
24. Use a weighted blanket
A weighted blanket is really calming and comforting. If you want to practice self care but feel too tired, lay down with a weighted blanket and feel the calm wash over you.
For a full review of the best weighted blankets, read more here.
25. Watch an ASMR video
ASMR, or autonomous sensory meridian response, is a feeling brought on by visual and audio stimuli. It can be really soothing, especially when tired or feeling sensitive. You can find plenty of free ASMR videos on YouTube, like this one.
26. Get into some comfortable clothes
When you feel tired, the last thing you need is to be uncomfortable in your clothes. Slip into something comfy like your favorite sweat pants and relax.
27. Use a neck massager
No need to drive all the way to a spa for a deep tissue massage. Relax by using a neck massager at home to soothe your muscles in no time.
28. Use essential oils
Relaxing scents through essential oils is a great form of self care when you’re tired. Apply essential oils to your wrists or temples.
29. Write an “It’s Done!” list
Exhausted by your to-do list? Write down everything you’ve done today to feel accomplished and proud of yourself. You deserve to give yourself some credit.
30. Put your phone on “Do Not Disturb”
Seeing endless notifications, texts, and news alerts on your phone can make you feel even more tired than you already are. Put your phone on “Do Not Disturb” to get some peace and quiet.
31. Watch cute animal videos
Is there anything better than adorable animals? Treat yourself to some cute animal videos – relaxing and wholesome fun.
32. Listen to a podcast or audio book
Feeling too tired to pick up a book? Listen to a podcast or audio book instead to save your energy.
33. Do absolutely nothing
While all of the self care ideas on this list are great, sometimes when you’re feeling exhausted the best form of self care is honestly to just do nothing.
That’s how to practice self care when you feel too tired to care for yourself.
If you’re feeling tired, self care might be the last thing on your mind. But it’s still really important. You deserve to be cared for and that starts with yourself.
Use these tools and self care ideas in this post to practice self care as options for what to do when you’re tired.
Comment below with your favorite self care activity to do when you feel tired.