The 10 Best Weighted Blankets to Reduce Anxiety and Stress in 2022

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Weighted blankets have been shown to have numerous mental health benefits including reducing anxiety and calming restlessness. This post is going to break down the best weighted blankets to reduce stress and anxiety in 2022.

Other sites might tell you it’s the BEST weighted blanket, but is it REALLY?? Before you end up buying a disappointing product, take a look at what my research has uncovered about the “best” weighted blankets out there.

Which weighted blanket is the best? These are the 10 best weighted blankets of 2022.

I have my own picks, but I also think the research and reviews are more valuable to you.

These are the top 10 weighted blankets on Amazon for reducing stress and anxiety.

I think there are a ton of great picks on this list – for example, this weighted blanket came out on top and it’s a great one!

On this page you can read all of the Amazon reviews, compare prices, and see which ones are on sale (who doesn’t love a good deal, right??)

Weighted blankets have numerous benefits:

  • Reduce anxiety
  • Increase serotonin
  • Reduced insomnia
  • Calm restlessness

Research has also shown that weighted blankets have positive results for conditions like autism and ADHD.

Okay, let’s review the best weighted blankets to reduce stress and anxiety in 2022!

Looking for the right weighted blanket for you? Repin and read this post from Self Care Seeker to find the best weighted blankets on Amazon and to learn about the benefits of a weighted blanket for adults from reducing stress and anxiety to calming restlessness. #weightedblanket

If you’re in a hurry…

This specific weighted blanket came out on top – spoiler alert!

The blanket that tops the top 10 list is the Quility Weighted Blanket.

This blanket was rated a 4.7 out of 5 on Amazon with over 30,000 reviews. Reviews note the super soft duvet cover that is easily removable to wash and the good value for its price.

Which weighted blanket is best?

Here are the top 10 with the best reviews:

  1. Quility Weighted Blanket – info page
  2. YnM Weighted Blanket- info page
  3. Heavy Cotton Quilted Blanket from Baloo- info page
  4. ZonLi Softest Weighted Blanket- info page
  5. Luna Adult Weighted Blanket- info page
  6. Degrees Of Comfort Cooling Weighted Blanket- info page
  7. Wemore Shaggy Long Fur Faux Fur Weighted Blanket- info page
  8. Casper Sleep Weighted Blanket- info page
  9. YnM Knitted Weighted Blanket- info page
  10. Gravity Cooling Blanket- info page

However, any of the weighted blankets in the list above should make you happy.

✅ Compare ONLY the top 10 weighted blankets on one page. Buying tip: If it’s under $80 then it’s a GREAT deal!

Not sure which weighted blanket is the best for YOU?

Let’s talk a little more about what you are looking for in a weighted blanket…

There are a lot of things to consider when choosing a weighted blanket from fabric and texture to temperature regulation.

The best weighted blanket for hot sleepers

The Degrees Of Comfort Cooling Weighted Blanket is the best for hot sleepers because it comes with not one but two duvet covers – a warmer one for winter and a Coolmax duvet to keep you sweat free.

The best machine washable weighted blanket

The Gravity Cooling blanket is the best on this list for machine washing because it has a removable duvet cover that can be put in the washing machine and dryer – a lot of others are hang to dry.

The softest weighted blanket

The Wemore Shaggy Long Fur Faux Fur Weighted Blanket has wowed reviewers for the soft touch of the faux fur compared to other weighted blankets that might not feel as soothing.

The best stylish weighted blanket

If you are looking for a stylish weighted blanket this one from YnM is right for you. It’s chunky knit look will look great on your couch or bed.

☑️ Me? I bought this weighted blanket, and I am very happy with it.

At the end of the day, it comes down to quality and price…

💲 If you’re looking for the best deal possible, this page will show you the top weighted blankets on sale today.

Definitely worth taking a look before buying – you can find really good deals on this page.

Here are some other buying tips you might find helpful as you pick out your weighted blanket:

How much weight should you get in your weighted blanket?

A weighted blanket should have enough weight to be effective, but not so much weight that it feels uncomfortable. That would counteract the purpose!

Experts recommend that you pick a weighted blanket that is about 10% of your body weight. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you would aim for a blanket of about 15 pounds.

Most weighted blankets for adults come in 10, 15, 20, and 25 pounds so you can select the one that is closest to 10% of your body weight.

Should your weighted blanket have glass beads or plastic pellets?

There isn’t a clear superior option between glass beads of plastic pellets – more a personal preference.

Glass beads are smaller than plastic pellets resulting in a thinner blanket.

Some weighted blankets also come with fiber fill like a comforter, making the blanket warmer. If you are a hot sleeper, I recommend opting for one without any additional fill.

How do you wash a weighted blanket?

Since weighted blankets are heavy, you would need to use a commercial washing machine and dryer for any over 10 pounds.

If you are worried about washing it on a regular basis, I recommend getting one with a removable cover that you can take off and throw in the wash.

For example, I have a dog that sheds so finding one that I could easily wash was definitely important to me.

How big should your weighted blanket be?

A weighted blanket should cover you from the neck down, so a twin suffices for most people.

Buying tip: If you want to sleep with your weighted blanket, you’ll want to size down from your bed because if it hangs off the edges it may fall off too easily.

If you have a full or queen bed, I recommend sticking with a twin. If you have a king size bed, you can go with a larger size like a queen.

What fabric should you choose for your weighted blanket?

You may find that weighted blankets come in all sorts of fabrics from fleece to cotton.

If you tend to run cold and love to bundle up, choosing a blanket in fleece or flannel might be the best bet for you.

On the flip side, if you get warm during the night you will prefer a more breathable fabric like lightweight cotton.

You can also consider purchasing a warmer blanket for the winter months and switching to a lighter fabric during the summer.

Another thing to consider when choosing a fabric is texture and how it feels. Choose something that feels soothing to help you relax.

💲 If you want to compare prices, sizes, and fabric of the top 10 weighted blankets click here.

Those are the top 10 weighted blankets to reduce stress and anxiety in 2022.

Using a weighted blanket can feel comforting and have several mental health benefits.

Use the tips in this post to select the best weighted blanket for you and your needs.

Comment below with any questions!

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