10 Holiday Self Care Tips for a Relaxing Season

Oh the holiday season – Good food, time with family, and sometimes…drama, crazy schedules, and more. If you love the holiday season but want to make sure you’re keeping self care top of mind then keep reading. This post is going to give you the best holiday self care tips for a relaxing season.

The holidays can feel like a whirlwind of different emotions. It’s exciting because we get to see family and friends, celebrate traditions, take time away from work, etc. But it can also bring family drama, additional items on our already long to-do list, and reflections on the past year.

Because it’s such a crazy time of year, it’s important to maintain self care as a priority so you can have a relaxing and fun holiday season.

This post is going to give you 10 holiday self care tips for a relaxing season.

Looking to have a stress free holiday season filled with self care? Repin and read this post from Self Care Seeker for 10 holiday self care ideas to keep your mind at ease during all of the holidays. #holidayselfcare

1. Set boundaries

Boundaries are always important, but they can be especially important during the holiday season.

Embrace the time you can spend with family and friends, but don’t overextend yourself or bend on boundaries that are important for your mental health.

Limiting how many house guests you have at one time or deciding where you will celebrate the holiday can be tough decisions to make, but the most important thing is your health so use boundaries to ensure you feel comfortable.

2. Make time for rest

Making time for rest during the holidays is essential. You might blink and suddenly your schedule is filled with holiday events, zoom calls with family, shopping for gifts, etc.

But make a conscious effort to make time for rest and relaxation. Sleep in, take a nap, spend a few hours just watching TV on the couch, or take a warm bath…whatever your body and mind need to recover.

It’s been a long year, you deserve it!

3. Give to others

Another holiday self care tip I love to indulge in is giving to others. While self care is usually centered around you (as it should be!) sometimes giving to others is also a form of self care.

Giving gifts or doing nice things for others can boost your connection with people and warm your heart.

Additionally, giving back to your community around this time of year through donating toys, volunteering, etc. can be also be a great way to both help others and spread joy during the holidays.

4. Loosen up on the diet

I am always a proponent of healthy eating and a balanced diet. But I am also the first to say that during the holidays it’s okay to loosen up on your diet and encourage a guilt free season.

While I don’t recommend going over board with treating yourself to the point it’s no longer even enjoyable, I do think this time of year should never be filled with guilt, shame, or hanger.

Eat those favorite family recipes and dishes you only get once a year without worry. Your diet will still be there after the holidays.

5. Log off and put work away

Any time we get time off from work it can be tempting to keep tabs on email and stay on top of projects. Especially if you work from home or own your own business it can be difficult to step away and truly take time off.

However, it will be so beneficial for your mental health to take that time, log off, and come back afterwards fully refreshed.

A trick I recommend is to physically put your work laptop or work papers in a different room to completely get into a relaxation mindset.

6. Keep self care in mind on your holiday wish list

One of the most common barriers to self care is cost. While there are lots of free self care ideas, some self care is expensive or a lot of small costs can add up.

During this time of year with gift giving, keep self care in mind. When your family or friends ask for gift ideas for you, ask for those self care items you’ve had your eye on.

Good examples might be a spa gift card, nail polish or skin care products, books…whatever would make your self care goals more attainable.

For free self care ideas, read more here.

7. Get a jump on your New Year’s resolutions

Ever feel yourself pushing off your goals once it gets towards the end of the year? You know, save it for the New Year’s resolutions right?

Well there’s nothing that says you can’t start on a New Year’s resolution now! Start that new exercise routine or daily meditation now.

You will feel so good starting off the new year having already made progress towards your goals.

8. Make health a priority

With the holidays and winter, also comes cold and flu season. And especially this year with COVID-19, making health a priority this holiday season is so important.

Opt for smaller gatherings and virtual celebrations if you can. Get your flu shot and maintain a healthy sleep schedule.

Do what you can to stay healthy and safe while you celebrate.

9. Make your living space cozy and festive

One of my favorite things about the holidays is all of the fun decorations.

Your living space has a huge impact on your mental health and mood, so another holiday self care tip is to make your home cozy and festive to reflect the season.

Put up some decorations and light some holiday scented candles!

For the best candles to light during the winter, read more here.

10. Remember what’s really important

My last holiday self care tip is to remember what’s really important during the holidays.

While posting holiday photos on Instagram and treating yourself to a Peppermint Mocha are fun things to do, remember what makes holidays the most meaningful – for example, the people in your life and your spiritual beliefs.

Those are the 10 holiday self care tips to have a relaxing holiday season.

The holidays – while fun and exciting – can also be filled with many different emotions.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the holidays or are looking to add more self care into your festivities this year, use the tips in this post to make self care a holiday priority.

Comment below with your favorite holiday self care tip!

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For more self care ideas, read more here:

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